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"Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance® (TJQMBB) is a research-based balance training regimen designed for older adults at risk of falling and people with balance disorders. Fuzhong Li, Ph.D., a Senior Scientist at Oregon Research Institute, developed the program. 

Although its origin can be traced to the contemporary simplified 24-form Tai Ji Quan routine, TJQMBB represents a significant paradigm shift in the application of Tai Ji Quan, moving the focus from its historical use as a martial art or recreational activity to propagating health by addressing common, but potentially debilitating, functional impairments/deficits. 

This unique training approach is the culmination of a systematic series of scientific studies to improve efficacy, utility, and community and clinical relevance."    From website


At Sound Balance Solutions PT, we offer TJQMBB within our PT sessions, as well as outside of therapy, either during individual sessions or group classes.  At this time, classes are offered one-on-one in the home, or virtually for individual or group classes.  Call or email for more information.  Additionally, please visit the program website ( for more information on the work of Dr. Li, including an extensive publication listing.

Adapted Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance

Dr. Fuzhong Li, PhD and creator of Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance®

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